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NKJV Open Bible
NKJV Open Bible

NKJV Open Bible

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Product ID
Thomas Nelson
Text Size
9 Point
Approx Size mm
240 x 164 x 50

Although the Bible is a collection of 66 individual books covering a variety of subjects, including history and poetry, it is written by a multitude of writers over many centuries, and yet it is still the perfect Word of God. The Open Bible has become one the most well known reference Bibles drawing on the connections throughout the Scriptures using a time-tested complete reference system trusted by people the world over. In addition, The Open Bible offers even more useful tools as you navigate the pages of the Word with book introductions, outlines to provide context, and themes from start to finish.

Features Include:

  • The most comprehensive topical index ever developed for any Bible, including almost 50,000 scripture references showing the links between 8,000-plus names, places, concepts, events, & doctrines
  • Interactive book introductions and outlines which provide, not only themes, but also historical context, and relationships to other texts within the Bible
  • Visual Survey of the Bible illustrating an easy-to-follow diagram of Scripture
  • Thomas Nelson’s most extensive New King James Version concordance: 195 pages with key words, proper names, and phrases
  • Clear and easy to read 9-point type face.

In addition, even more resources and features of this popular Bible include:

  • How to Study the Bible
  • Teachings and Illustrations of Christ
  • The Scarlet Thread of Redemption
  • Guide for Christian Workers
  • Harmony of the Gospels
  • Laws of the Bible
  • Prophecies relating to the Messiah
  • One-year reading plan
  • The Miracles of Jesus Christ
  • Full-color maps
  • The Parables of Jesus Christ
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