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NIV Dads Devotional Bible

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Product ID
NIV Year
Approx Size mm
222 x 153 x 43

If you’re a dad, it’s your dream to leave your children a rich inheritance. And regardless of your financial situation, you can! The NIV Dad’s Devotional Bible is filled with challenging and helpful information to help you be a man who honors God, lives faithfully and loves his family—a man whose life will be a priceless legacy for generations to come.

A tall order? Sure. But with God’s help, you can do it. With 260 down-to-earth devotions, one for every day of the work week, as well as seven insightful “Building Your Children” articles, author Robert Wolgemuth will lead you through the blueprint of godly fatherhood. And with a helpful “Questions Kids Ask” index in the back, the hardcover NIV Dad’s Devotional Bible will give you the tools you need to be a fully equipped, God-honoring father.

Features Include:

  • The full text of the New International Version Biblewill inspire and enlighten you
  • 260 daily devotions to keep you on track and engauged with your kids and with God
  • 7 "Building your Children" articles that will draw you and your kids closer together
  • "Questions Kids Ask" index in the back to help answer the questions about the Bible that you know your kids will bring up
  • The "Bible for Dads" feature puts a fatherly spin on each book of the Bible 
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