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New Product Information is constantly adding to new products and ranges to our selection of products.

Here you will find new information about new, exciting categories and products that have either been recently lauched, or will soon be arriving at

New, Church Resources Category

We are very pleased to officially announce our new 'Church Resources' section

You may have noticed the recent addition to the navigation bar of 'Church Resources' section which contains not only resources for your Church such as Communion Supplies and Palm Crosses but also a wide range of teaching resources to help you run holiday clubs and teach children effectively in your church.

As continues to expand our ever growing range of products we seek to not only grow our exisiting ranges, but also add entirely new categories of resources to our selection of products.

Over the next few months, this section will be growing as more products are added to it ready for Churches re-opening following the Covid19 outbreak.

As alway we look forward to serving you and your church in the months and years to come!

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We've been making some changes to the look and feel of our site. These changes will make ordering easier (especially from mobile devices) Please bear with us while we fix any bugs and make any adjustments to make your favourite online Christian bookshop even better.
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